Thursday, December 15, 2022

Elon Musk is a Fascist Goat Banger and Suspends People He Doesn't Like


Well, I started this blog many years ago to write about something I never really have written much about -- the issues with consolidation in corporate America and the world.

For anyone who's not living in a cave, the former richest man in the world (his standing dropping every day), bought Twitter, one of the top social media companies in the world, and has begun using it as his own animal-fucking fiefdom. And despite his many protestations to the contrary, he's shown that he is a fascist who loves Nazis, hates many, many oppressed groups of people.

And tonight, he's begun suspending reporters who are calling him out. So I thought I'd do a public service and track all of the ones he's suspending. So here goes nothing (I'll be adding more as I see them):

-Aaron Rupar:

-Donie O'Sullivan, CNN:

-Ryan Mac, New York Times:

-Drew Harwell, Washington Post:

-Matt Binder, Mashable:

-Keith Olbermann:

-Micah Lee, the Intercept; and Tony Webster, FOIA specialist:

-Mastodon (a competitor to Twitter):

-Steve Herman, VOA News:

-Linette Lopez, Insider:

-Terry Cowgill, CTNewsJunkie:

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Trump Sounds Like a Scary Wannabe Dictator...

 ... but at this point, he's kind of playing one on TV.

You know when someone does something nasty to you but you know there's really nothing you can do back to them so you just kinda smoulder by yourself for a while and think about what you could say to that person to put them in their place, though you know it's stupid to do so? He doesn't know it's stupid to do so, so he's saying those things.