
Documentation. Witnesses. Facts. Truth. That's what they're afraid of.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

R Leaders Iz Learning?

Yesterday, I shared Larry Lessig's vision for how Hillary Clinton could wind up in the White House sooner rather than later, and I mentioned last month that I think something must be in the ether about that possibility:

I'm not going to say it's likely that this scenario will happen, but putting it out there does 1. make it more likely and 2. indicate that *someone* is floating it in "serious" circles.

Well, if you've been hoping and begging like I have for the good guys to step in and rescue us (and I know you all have), here's a must-read THREAD! from the follow-with-a-grain-of-salt-but-consume-voraciously-citizen-journalist Eric Garland:

It makes sense. In a "nothing about this should ever be thought about as making sense" kind of way.

My only regret is that I have only twenty digits to cross!

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