- Rude Pundit appears to have a regular slot reserved in this column. Here he shares what goes through Melania's head.
- Kevin Drum explains that the deductibles under Obamacare have not increased, though in the video below Trump continues to scream about it.
- Particularly in light of seeing in the Comey hearing how far backwards the Republicans will bend over to protect Trump, I don't think impeachment is likely. But Booman makes an interesting argument about why I might be wrong about that.
- Speaking of the Comey hearing, Twitter is concerned about John McCain's behavior.
- Great thread from Daily Kos's Armando on what faction of the Democratic Party helps the most in the United States and why they're succeeding in Great Britain right now:
For a Center Left like me, Obama winning was as good as it gets. Agreed with him 90%. My views lost in 2016 even tho won popular vote. /1— Armando (@armandodkos) June 9, 2017
- I still watch Trump's speeches just like I did a year ago, and he's still making the same speeches he gave a year ago:
Why do evangelicals love fascism so much?
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