Today was the day that anti-Trumpers were waiting for. Conspirator-at-Arms James Comey was going to tell the world that even he was done with the Trumpster.
Trump, meanwhile, wanted us all to know he wasn't worried in the least bit. So he went and did the only thing he enjoys, which is campaign for President.
Undeterred, Comey presented the FBI's gameplan. He spoke about the investigation into Russia-Trump collusion. He spoke about the lack of evidence supporting any type of anti-Trump wiretapping by President Barack Obama. And he answered an endless supply of questions by Republicans about the dastardly Leaker.
Trump was clearly happy with the latter because it provided his team a bounty of quotes that could be taken out of context in which they made it seem like the FBI'S Director was chiefly concerned with President Barack Obama's role in undermining the Presidency.
Read that again for a moment. And no, I'm not exaggerating. From Sean Spicer today:
To recap the Republican argument:
1. The issue here isn't the evidence against Trump, it's the Leaker undermining Trump.
2. President Obama hid appointees in the Executive Branch so they could unmask Flynn.
3. Therefore, President Obama is guilty of beingBlack while President. Oh wait, that's something different. The Leaker!
Trump, for his part, left us these pearls of wisdom this morning:
Catch you on the flip side.
Trump, meanwhile, wanted us all to know he wasn't worried in the least bit. So he went and did the only thing he enjoys, which is campaign for President.
Undeterred, Comey presented the FBI's gameplan. He spoke about the investigation into Russia-Trump collusion. He spoke about the lack of evidence supporting any type of anti-Trump wiretapping by President Barack Obama. And he answered an endless supply of questions by Republicans about the dastardly Leaker.
Trump was clearly happy with the latter because it provided his team a bounty of quotes that could be taken out of context in which they made it seem like the FBI'S Director was chiefly concerned with President Barack Obama's role in undermining the Presidency.
Read that again for a moment. And no, I'm not exaggerating. From Sean Spicer today:
Spicer took aim at former Obama administration officials, hinting that they were responsible for leaks to reporters about Flynn's conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The two discussed, among other things, sanctions against Russia that the Obama administration had imposed.Flynn's conversations were picked up by routine surveillance the U.S. government does of Kislyak. The White House and some Republican members of Congress say that whoever revealed that fact to reporters illegally disclosed classified information."Not only was Gen. Flynn's identity made available. Director Comey refused to answer the question on whether or not he'd actually briefed President Obama on his phone calls and activities," Spicer said.FBI Director James B. Comey told the House Intelligence Committee on Monday that agents have been investigating potential links since July.
To recap the Republican argument:
1. The issue here isn't the evidence against Trump, it's the Leaker undermining Trump.
2. President Obama hid appointees in the Executive Branch so they could unmask Flynn.
3. Therefore, President Obama is guilty of being
Trump, for his part, left us these pearls of wisdom this morning:
James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017
The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017
The real story that Congress, the FBI and all others should be looking into is the leaking of Classified information. Must find leaker now!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017
Some needs to teach Trump the difference between good touch and bad touch. Russia's contact with Secretary Clinton and the DNC during the campaign was most definitely an unwanted bad touch. Just like the bad touching Trump did to the 13 year old he raped. Or his constant Ivanka groping.What about all of the contact with the Clinton campaign and the Russians? Also, is it true that the DNC would not let the FBI in to look?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 20, 2017
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