
Documentation. Witnesses. Facts. Truth. That's what they're afraid of.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Daily Combover - February 28, 2017

I don't think I will ever be as talented a writer as I'd hope to be. And over these last few months of blogging here, I've learned that the world of political blogging is very different from the world of academic research.  But there is something in common between both forms of writing: motivation.

Nobody will be able to say it any better than Bob Cesca did, but every one of us that regularly read Chez's rambling postings on Facebook, his powerful words in his Banter pieces, or that will be watching his upcoming television series knows what Chez Pazienza meant to them.

For me, it was the idea that politics didn't have to be mundane or wonky policy-oriented talk.  Nor was it simply part of the Right Wing Infotainment that we've seen take over radio and tv media over the last few decades.  Politics was intertwined into just about everything I'd done over my lifetime but I hadn't really made that connection until I started listening to Bob and Chez (and Driftglass and Blue Gal) ahead of the 2012 election after Jason sent me some links. Of those four, Chez was the one that didn't really belong. He was probably just as left-wing as the others but his life had taken a different path and he had the scars to prove it.  But that also gave him a more realistic perspective.

Chez's realism is what motivated me to lend my voice to the political blogosphere. I've done a few bits of media here and there, but never really anything outside of my role as an economist.  I'm going to keep writing just as Chez would have done.  Keep digging for the truth and standing up to the lies as best as I can and with as much sarcasm as I can. But most importantly, write what I know and let my life shape what I write.

Thank you, Chez, for everything you've shared with us.

Tonight as Trump delivered his Joint Session Address, I followed one of Chez's last bits of advice and went to see Get Out. And Chez was right: It was even better than everyone was saying.

I'll tackle Trump's speech tomorrow. For now, read Jason's live blogging starting from here if you can't get enough. Or better yet, just listen to Chez and go see Get Out. It's all the racism and fear you'd get in a Trump speech but with none of the Fontange Fuhrer.

I'm off to open a bottle of Michter's. Here's to Chez.

See you tomorrow night.

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