
Documentation. Witnesses. Facts. Truth. That's what they're afraid of.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

TGC Digest -- Week of 5/29/2017


The Times Isn't Doing Any Better Today -- If you give Jared Kushner a tongue bath, you're totally getting cooties.

The Daily Combover - May 29, 2017 -- Trump doesn't give a crap about the white supremacist killings in Oregon.


A Man Who Is His Own Communications Director Has a Fool for a Boss -- Trump's having a hard time replacing Mike Dubke.

Looks Like We're Getting Closer to the Pee-Pee Tape -- The "Dodgy Dossier becomes less and less dodgy.
The Daily Combover - May 30, 2017 -- This in-depth look by Ari into Trump's day involves an orb.



#Covfefe! -- Needs no explanation.

Joe Lieberman Is the Hellmouth of America -- It seems like everything bad in this country happens through Joe Lieberman, doesn't it?

Is Pence Preparing for His Own 2020 Run? -- I don't think so, but recent events have put it within the realm of possibility.

The Daily Combover - May 31, 2017 -- Why is Trump giving spy compounds back to the Russians? Oh, no reason to even answer.


Feels Like Another Big #TrumpRussia Day -- A lot of things converging; well so how it turns out this week.

Trump's "War Room" Gets Its Own Official Publication -- Hint: It's Not Salon.

The Daily Combover - June 1, 2017 -- What happens after the U.S. pulls out of the Paris Accord?


The Daily Combover -- June 2, 2017 -- Is Trump overstepping his bounds?


#MarchForTruth -- Y'all keep going, and it's inspiring  to us old people.

The Silencing of the Hillary Clinton Supporter -- Why don't we matter? There are 66 million of us!


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