
Documentation. Witnesses. Facts. Truth. That's what they're afraid of.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Daily Combover - January 23, 2017

Dear Leader began his 4th day in office at 2:30AM because he had a 9AM meeting with "top executives" and had to be sure he was out of the salon in time.
Look at that dedication. 6 hours later he was out of the salon and ready to go so he tweeted some anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda and started his day.

Dear Leader knows it's America First or the foreign children will take over. And his job is to get that message out. One way to do that is to control the American media. And he'll do that via traditional Republican methods (calling them too liberal, liars, etc.) and also through new methods. He's giving press credentials to crack-pot conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones. And by adding "Skype" seats for other, let's call it, "alt-media."

The other way? By making sure your party is absolutely unified behind you. Anyone expecting Graham, McCain, and/or Rubio to buck their party is delusional. Republicans will always put Party First. And that's the other half of the America First slogan.

And finally, unwilling to tell the truth even when everyone knows he's lying, Trump sent Conway and Spicer out to double down on the latest "alt-facts" about his tax returnscrowd sizes, and business ties.

Meanwhile, here's what Dear Leader accomplished today:
1. He backed out of the TPP trade deal. Jason and I have done some research on TPP and found it to have very marginal economic effects. Some businesses will benefit, others will be hurt. Some workers will benefit, others will be hurt. Some countries will benefit, others will be hurt. But all seem to be very minor movements up or down.  TPP received a lot more attention than it probably should have, but now it's off the table.  So at the very least, that's one completed issue.  Net economic effect of backing away: basically nil for us, but it puts China in position now to become an even larger economic player.  As Obama said, TPP was going to occur with or without us. By being at the table we at least preserved a bit of our hegemony in the Pacific.

2. An executive order implementing a complete hiring freeze by the Federal Government. A really interesting move considering the following:

That spike in 2010 was US Census workers which will come back again in 2020. But as you can see, aside from that, Federal employment fell by 356,000 workers over the course of Obama's tenure in office. Aside from that, Dear Leader still has thousands of positions to fill by appointment or by staffing. How exactly is that going to happen?

3. He dismissed the validity of the Emoluments Clause lawsuit as being "totally without merit"
President Donald Trump said Monday morning that a lawsuit alleging he violated the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution is "totally without merit."
"No," he said, responding to a reporter's question during a pool spray as he signed executive orders in the Oval Office. "Without merit. Totally without merit."
The liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit Monday accusing Trump of violating the Emoluments Clause, which bars presidents from receiving payments from foreign governments, including businesses owned by governments.
4. A dismissal of foreign aid benefits to countries that have legal abortions.

Remember that too much social media can rot your brain. Catch you on the flip side.

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